Well technically it's not. Operations like this cost money to run. However, when I see someone selling a course on how to make money, I immediately assume they're a crook.
I know... I shouldn't assume and judge and okay sure... But we all do it. First impressions are first impressions. When someone's hawking a way to make money, they're usually selling BS.
Even though I know I could sell this for thousands of dollars easy, that would be like selling my soul. Not going down that road.
Access to the training is by donation only and you could literally chip in like $0.45 and you'd be in for life. Same access as the guy who donates $200 per month. No difference.
I have to feel good about myself and I trust people to do the right thing. Some will some won't, I'm not about to try to control that. I know what you put out comes back and I'll let the course of things do what it does.
But most of all, I don't want to be one of those guys who peddles courses.